Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Transitioning Introvert

As I find myself about to graduate college, I reflect on the major changes I have seen in myself, and coming out of my shell is definitely one of them.

When I arrived at TLU, I was quiet, shy, "mean looking," and in all ways a loner. I was afraid that people would not like me, or agree with my opinion. I was afraid that I would not fit in. Many would say that every freshman goes through this, but mine carried over into my sophomore year. I realized, I wasn't so much afraid, as much as I just preferred to be alone in my own world. As the years went on I began to love and embrace that about myself. However on this journey I learned more than I could ever imagine about myself. I found my voice, and I don't just mean in the choir, but in life, I learned that in order to understand in class, you actually have to talk to the professors. WHO KNEW?! I learned how to be able to speak in front of a group of people without my anxiety turning my speech into a foreign language. Seriously, if someone had told me I would be the president of BSU and my chapter of my sorority, as well as the Co Director of SHABACH Gospel Choir, I never would have believed them. Life lessons and TLU got me there.

I walk around campus now communicating with faculty and staff, students, and sometimes people I don't even know. It is a blessings to know some of the amazing people I have met just from speaking up.

So as I am about to transition into "the real world" I will remember my journey and lessons at TLU and be proud of what I learned and who I am because you never know what life has to offer you. I walked into TLU all around introvert, however I will leave TLU a happy and proud ambivert.


  1. Its amazing to see how much you'ce changed how much you're trying to come out of your shell and be more open. Very cool.

    1. Thank you! I have definitely enjoyed the journey!

  2. I am so glad you talked to me. You were one of the first people I knew because of LSL. I'm going to miss you!! :((

    1. Awwwww! See getting out of my comfort zone allowed me to meet sweet people like you. I'm glad I talked to you to! I shall miss you, but I'm only a message or blog away if you need me!

  3. My friends are always telling me that they thought I was mean when they first met me. I'm not, and I'm not quiet either once you get to know me, but because there are a lot of people I choose not to talk to they think I'm mean...
