Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Introverts In the Classroom: Personal Experience

I found myself in class today, dealing with a common issue I have. During conversation or discussion, for the most part, I am able to say a few words here and there to voice my opinion on a matter, however on certain occasions, the conversation moves to fast for me, which is known to be common in introverts. In my mind, things need to process so I can organize my thoughts before I vocalize them, whereas many people can just hear a comment and be able to just throw their thoughts out there.

So this is the situation I was confronted with today. I had so many thoughts and opinions forumlating in my head, but I couldn't organize them fast enough. By the time they were organized it just didn't seem like the right time to say what I had in mind. Then when the opportunity presented itself, someone else would jump in. So it was like I was trying to double dutch, but just couldn't get the timing right. Which, for me, creates anxiety within.

It seems situations like this are becoming more and more common for me. Although I have adjusted and learned how to deal with other situations faced by introverts, this one I am not so sure about. This could just be a BreAna thing, but I don't know how to face it. Just goes to show, there is always something new to learn, no matter how much you may think you know about something.


  1. This is very interesting. I never realized that people couldn't just blurt out a comment. In some cases this is probably best because some people need to think before they speak.

    1. I agree. People do need to think before they speak sometimes, but sometimes it is ok to just say what you feel. This is something I wish I could do, but my mind won't let me

  2. I do the same thing. Most of the time I end up saying nothing, because by the time I have my thought fully formed the conversation has moved past that topic.
