Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Introverted and Famous

Ok, I have talked about introversion in students, in relationships, stereotypes in introversion. Now It's time to surprise you. Some of your favorite celebrities may be introverts. Let me throw some out and see if you know them.

-Meryl Streep, actress
-Ingrid Bergman, actress
-Clint Eastwood, actor/director
-Tom Hanks, actor
-Michelle Pheiffer, actress
-Julia Roberts, actress
-Gwyneth Paltrow, actress
-Harrison Ford, actor
-Steve Martin, actor
-David Letterman, host of his own show
-Diane Sawyer, co host of ABCs Good Morning America
-Barbara Walters, host of 20/20
-Michael Jordan, best basketball player in history
-Rosa Parks, civil rights activists

Just to name a few...

Is your mind blown?

Although I have discussed, in my previous posts, the stereotype of introverts just being quiet and drawn in, you may still have been surprised by the list above. I will admit that I was a bit taken aback by a couple of the people such as, David Letterman and Michael Jordan, but we have to remember that people come in different forms, introverts included.

As you can see, some of the most known and most outspoken people fall in the introvert category. I'm no actress, show host,basketball player, or civil rights activist, but I imagine they just did what came with the environment. Let me explain. Michael Jordan may not have liked having to do interviews or commercials, but it came with the territory of doing what he loved, playing basketball.

I imagine there are many people around the world doing what they love, what they are passionate about, who have been forced to step out of their comfort zone because of it. However, we all know that there are always sacrifices that must be made in life.

I am an introvert and a communications major. Hello! Is that not crazy? No, it's not. I love being able to communicate in a different way than the norm. I love informing people of what is going on around them. However, I had to learn that if this is really what I wanted to do, there needed to be some changes within myself. Now I am conversing more and expressing my opinion;I am speaking up. I do go home, close my bedroom door and watch tv with my dog at the end of the day, but that will always be who I am.

Would you let who you are, stop you from where you're going?


  1. My mind is definitely blown! I had no clue Michael Jordan was an introvert! I find that interesting since he is so well known and popular.

    1. I found that interesting myself. You never know who could be

  2. I'd rather go home and watch tv with my dog than spend time with most people! Lol

    1. Right! They seem to be so much more loving and caring to be around

  3. Thats crazy to think how many people are introverts in todays society! Especially people who happen to be in the spot light, like Michael Jordan and how could he possibly be an introvert, but he is! WOW!

    1. I know. It's crazy, but that where the stereotypes come into play. People expect certain people to be extroverts based on their role in society, but are not. You can never really know?
