Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

It is truly an amazing feeling when you step out of your comfort zone without really realizing it happened until its over.

Today, a couple of my friends and I went to Cheddars in San Antonio for dinner. We were indulging in a rather interesting and enterataining conversation. Then all of a sudden, mid-sentence, my friend just stopped talking and began to stare into the distance. Confused and waiting in anticipation for the rest of her response, I looked at her as if to urge her to continue. When she did not continue, I directed my eyes to where hers were fixated. To my surprise, there he was, DWIGHT HOWARD! Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Miami Heat fan, not a Lakers fan. However, I found myself a little star struck and, quite frankly, lost in his attractiveness!

Of course this encounter changed the whole conversation we were having. We were then trying to figure out how to get a picture of him. He must have noticed all the attention that was being directed at him, not only by us but by other customers, so he requested to be seated in the back."Hey, how are ya'll doing," he said as he walked by to his requested table. That was it, I had to talk to him or get a picture or something!

Once we finished our meals and paid our bills, the girls and I decided that we would just go ask for a picture. However as we got closer the other girls backed out, which was suprising to me since they are the more outgoing ones. To my surprise, I was still gung ho for the plan. So I calmly walked over to the table, introduced myself, welcomed them to San Antonio, and respectfully asked if it would be possible for us to take a picture. Unfortuantley they said no, it was against his contract. However, after coming of my adreneline high, I realized what I had done. Although it may seem like nothing major to many I was proud of myself. I went from a young lady who hated even talking in front of a handful of people, to approaching random strangers, celebrity at that, and speaking as if it is somethign I do all the time.

Although I have seen a change in myself occurring, this situation just showed me that anything is possible, no matter what kind of person you are. It may even be something that can get me through future speeches and presentations. "You talked to Dwight Howard, you can talk to these people," I'll think to myself.

I was excited for my first celebrity encounter, but I was more excited of the progress I see in myself.


  1. I'm so jealous! I would have loved to have met Dwight Howard!! Even though I am also a Heat fan! :)

    1. I know right! It's crazy when something like that happens. I always thought I would be the person to remain calm if I ever encountered a celebrity, but my heart and blood was racing. It was unreal.

  2. That's so cool!!! I love how you saw a change in yourself throughout this process and meeting Dwight Howard showed you tht anything is possible!

    1. Totally! You always hear your parents or adults tell you anything is possible, but it is totally amazing when you can see and experience it yourself.

  3. That's awesome! I probably would have been one of the people that backed out! lol

    1. lol. Those are the moments that show people the most about themselves
