Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sports in my own Bubble

I have always been interested in sports. I played basketball for many years, supported my brother when he played football, and probably watched every Dallas Cowboys and Miami Heat game possible. However, I find myself having a different experience when I watch a game in person surrounded by people versus when I watch a game in the privacy of my own home.

I can recall going to every home basketball game in high school and in college and restraining my excitement to cheer when my team did well or my anger when the referee made a bad call. Worried that although I know the sports well, I may say something that may be wrong or that those surrounding me may not agree with. Yet at home whether I am by myself or with family or roommates, I say whatever I want knowing that they may or may not agree with my rowdiness or what I have to say, but I know they won't judge me for it or look at me any differently.

Although I walk around with a tough shell, making it seem as though I don't care what others say or think, I do. It is hard to realize these things about myself and I wish it wasn't so, but I find it hard to be myself in public.


  1. Its interesting to hear you say this because I think a lot of people go through struggles like this, so you making yours known, might help others come out of their shell a little more

    1. Thank you. I would love for people to be able to voice their thoughts feelings and opinions without there being and consequences, but we live in a tough world so I take it all one day at a time.

  2. When I'm in public at a game I sit and don't really say anything. On the other hand when I am at home I jump on the couch and scream at the TV. I get a little crazy! You make a good point about people holding back in public.

    1. You're a totally different person right! It's a shame that we don't feel we can be ourselves at all times, but it seems to be the society we have grown into.

  3. I feel like that when I'm in class. Regardless of how well I know the subject, I have to really convince myself to say something because I feel weird about it.
