Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Letter to My College Professors

Dear Dr. or Professor (insert your name here),

Thank you for helping me grow as a student through these past four years. I know our relationship has been difficult, but we are almost done. I walked in your class and sat down without saying a word the whole semester my first year. However, your "is she ok" glares, "speak up" tones and "I know you can do better" speeches, along with the occasional cynical and pessimistic yet somehow encouraging teaching methods and conversation that end in tears have definitely made me the new me I see myself becoming. Not everyone can say they have had that experience, but you have made that possible. So thank you. Thank to your help, I will be graduating in a month. The road has been hard, but it has been worth it. So this is a special shout out to all of you.

Although I know many of you may never see this, I hope you all know you made a difference in my life for the better.


The quiet girl in the back

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe you're about to graduate? I'm graduating too, and it's so weird to think about...I didn't realize until last week how much I'd come to think of TLU as my home, or how much my experiences here really helped me grow as a person.
